Why cable my tree?

Cabling is the use of a specialized high strength cable to prevent a tree with structural issues from splitting apart. These structural issues are most commonly the result of what arborists refer to as “co-dominant” trees. Co-dominance refers to a tree, that instead of having a singular central stem, has split into two or more stems of roughy equal sizes. The area where these multiple stems meet is often weak and prone to splitting in heavy winds or snow/ice.

Cabling can be an effective solution when these issues cannot be properly corrected by pruning alone.

The cable is installed roughly 2/3 of the way up the stems and connects the co-dominant stems together, allowing them to support each other. In most cases we use a “dynamic” synthetic cable which allows the tree to move naturally under normal conditions, but supports it in stronger winds which could potentially cause a split. In more severe cases “static” cabling is employed to offer more rigid support at all times.


Tree Removal